Monday, January 16, 2012

Macaroni Hair Gel?

She went to Sunday School with macaroni in her hair.

I didn't mean for her to.

   It all started with me leaving too late to go to Walmart in time to be home for the Broncos playoff game saturday night.  Caleb was going to the store with me and wanted to watch the game with his dad.  I wanted to watch the game with his dad, too (my hubby).

   But by the time I got home at 6:45, ate a wonderful dinner some friends made for us to thank us for sharing Cardinal's tickets with them, unloaded the car, bathed the first two of the youngest three, it was 9:41pm.  The kids should've been in bed by 9 at the latest.

   I thought I would bath the youngest and hardest (like wrestling a crocodile in her 3/4 body cast-but don't let that fool you, she's a ninja!) the next morning somehow.  I could've stayed up and gotten at least my clothes ready but didn't...I just wanted to be done with all the little voices for the night.  I wanted to read my book and unwind before bed.  I could've just slept.  Unwound by going to bed, but I didn't want to.
   The next morning found me frazzled as Bryan had to call to wake me up so I could get ready in time because I went to bed so late the night before.  Sometimes I wonder why I take on extra things, like goats, chickens, foster children, etc, when I know I can't handle what I do have to be responsible for already...
   Bryan also informed me that he would be skipping church service to come home and help us get ready for church because we had to head to Phoenix directly after to watch Trevor's concert.  For a while I was excited.  He'll be able to hold Destiny while I wash her hair or vice versa.  Instead, he came home, told the kids to brush their teeth and fed all my previous wild hairs (goats, chickens, dogs) and got the car ready and brought portable breakfast for the kids on the way to church. I didn't have the kids all the way ready when he started buckling them in.  I still needed to do the 4-yr-old girl's hair!  I still need to wash the 2-yr old girls hair!

   It didn't go like I planned.  We were late so we had to go.  Ready or not.  Bryan teaches Sunday School and couldn't be late.  We arrived in time, I told him to go ahead and check Ben in.  I did the 4-yr-old girl's hair.  I walked her in and left the 2-yr-old locked in for the 5 minutes it took to hand the 4-yr-old to my friend, Joy and run back out to get 2-yr-old.  I tried to brush her hair.  I sprayed "no more tangles" on the macaroni, it didn't budge.  I brushed around it and took her in anyway.
   I handed her to the supervisor and she said "Oh, she has gummies in her hair" and I replied, "No, it's macaroni"...and she went in like that.  I gave a basic explanation and wondered to myself what kind of mom doesn't give herself enough time to brush the kid's hair before taking them to church of all places?! I answered myself that this will be funny someday and today it kinda is...

That is all...


  1. I loved your story. Every mother will say, yep, been there, life is a roller coaster and please dear God, do not let me fall off.

  2. I hope you can smile about this - it is a funny story! I bet it happens more often than we know! LOL! I like that you are blogging. I always enjoy your posts on f/b. I feel like we are friends, tho' we have only met at church functions a couple of times.
    I am now following you and if you can grab a free minute, you might want to follow my blog, too. Growing Old With Grace
    Hugs, GraceinAZ (Pat Mallett)

  3. Hon, my kids have gone in much worse and I only have the 2 that I have to worry about! You are super woman in my eyes!

  4. Yay! I'm so happy you are blogging. Loved this description of a day in the life of your family. Keep writing!
