Last night I had a dream.
I had a few dreams.
Actually, I dreamt a lot which is unusual for me when I take that much magnesium, I usually sleep really hard.
This dream left me with a wonderful sense of peace.
I dreamt that Bryan and I were walking along on a date night and looking up at the stars. Slowly numbers and letters began to emerge along with the twinkly lights. We were puzzled but enjoyed the display. I mentioned it looked like alphabet soup. Then we noticed a red scorpion in the sky. It became animated lashing it's a tail around a few times. Other scorpions came to fight with it. Every time one of them stung him, he would get more and more powerful. ( I think that has something to do with a constellation called Scorpio?) I need to mention I hold no beliefs in the sign of the zodiac!
(Please don't be waiting with baited breath for something significant to come out of this...)
I share all the goofiness of my dream because...well, it's funny...but really I'm left with such a sweet sense of peace today reminded that Jesus WILL return and we DO need to be watching and anxious for our Bridegroom. It will happen nothing like the dream but if I have my theology right, believers will be raptured first in the "twinkling of an eye" like it says in the Bible. Then the end time events will unfold like it says in Revelation. It may not happen the way we envision or interpret Revelation but it WILL happen.
Are you excited??
Are you ready?
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